Bug Out – Bug In

So here’s the question… In case of emergency do we bug out or bug in? Well, first lets define what bugging out or bugging in is. Bugging out is packing up your family and what ever supplies you can carry and getting away to another location. Bugging in, on the other hand, is staying right where you are at. So what’s the best answer?

Many survivalists and preppers will tell you the best thing to do is have a second location where you can store your goods and get to in a time of trouble. As soon as the bad stuff hits the fan, they say… GO! There is something to be said for that – especially if you live in a city.

However, bugging in makes sense because all of your stuff – food, water, guns, etc. are already there. There are people in your community you may know and trust to help you survive. You can share gardens, watching out for each other, and skills.

I’ll tell you what we do. First, we don’t own land that we can bug out too. So, we decided on a place we could meet if we weren’t together. We are surrounded by National Forest and would have no problems getting into the woods. We have a small camper that we can hook up to in minutes and keep it full of food and water.

We also have a get-home bag in our vehicle. That’s a bag with a couple of days of food, a couple of space blankets, and some other odds and ends. If by chance we get in an accident or our truck dies, we have enough to survive for a few days and it doesn’t take up much room.

We also have a bug out bag in our house. If we see bad guys coming toward our house, we can grab the bag and go. It has enough to survive for a while. Just remember to make it light enough for you to carry some distance.

Another benefit to a bug out location is knowing where you are going. You can also bury food and water in a water tight container so if someone took over your land before you got there, you can sneak up and uncover your food. What you don’t want to do is just go up and challenge the people – you don’t know how many there are or what weapons they may have.

Okay, so here’s our plan. We will stay in our home until we can’t any longer. Granted, we are out in the country and it’s pretty easy to see if people are coming. Plus we have dogs and the people in our little town have seen our truck rocking back and forth from where our dogs thought people were to close… yes, they have a reputation and I’m okay with that.

If you live in the city, you have a harder choice to make. If people are getting hungry, they may decide it’s easier to take your food than go out and get it legally. In that case, you may be better off getting out of town. If they are rioting right outside your door, then lock and block the doors.

The bottom line is: I can’t decide what is best for you. This post is only to get you started thinking about some of this stuff. Feel free to comment below, add suggestions, or ask questions.

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