God Calling Ministries
God Calling creates ministries to support your needs and desires as well as support outside ministries that are devoted to God and/or provide important services. These ministries range from enjoyable and thought provoking programs to self-help and needed services. Please, browse through what is here and know that we are always adding to this list.
God Calling Ministries
Magnetic Women
Magnetic Women work together to support and grow with each other into the strong, independent and powerful woman God wants them to be.
Photo & Video Ministry
The photo and video ministry includes stock photo and video for commercial use, commercial photo and video services, specialized and unique photo workshops and tours, and so much more.
Christian Adventurer
As followers of Christ we still love to travel and explore. Christian Adventurer is about sharing travels that are family friendly and “safe” to visit. We share stories, photos, and videos of the places we go and things we see.
Christian Preparedness
No matter if you are planning for the end times or a natural disaster, being prepared is essential. The Bible says a time will come when Christians will be targets, there will be disasters, wars, and more. Christian Preparedness is all about safety and preparedness.
Outside Ministries We Support
At this time we are not affiliated with any outside ministries.