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Home » Photo Workshops » Online Photo Workshops » 01-Photo Overview

Photography Overview

First, welcome to our photography overview. This is to give you an idea of what we will be learning and how we will go about it. I will include examples of how you can use each step to support yourself, your church, your organization, and more.

To start, we will cover broader areas of interest. For example, we will cover cameras and equipment in a more general manner and will follow up with more specifics about your equipment. We will even talk about cell phone cameras and how you can use them.

We will investigate exposure and light. We’ll cover how to use your various camera settings to compensate for lighting conditions, set moods, and more. Our goal is to make you comfortable using manual exposure in any situation! If you can do that, you will be able to know when to use manual and when to use one of your auto settings.

Next we will go into composition and the specifics. We will also cover why things work and how to use each part to tell your story. We will also cover when to break the composition rules! In my opinion, composition and exposure is what makes or breaks a great image.

Next will be editing and editing techniques. I will discuss various editing programs and why I like them or don’t like them. Most are free yet powerful while others are paid for. I will also talk about photo management. After all, if you can’t find your photos, you can’t use them!

As we go through all of this, I will also offer some more advanced techniques to help you create truly awesome photos. I will also cover some photojournalistic things that will help your photographic storytelling.

Throughout, I will be including tips and tricks and other odds and ends. At the end of each section, I will offer suggestions on how you can practice what you have learned and possible ways to put things to use.

The main thing: have fun learning. This isn’t a race. Read a section, then practice. Read the next section, then practice. I’ve been doing this for over 45-years (yes, I’m old) and I still go out and practice and continue to learn. What Fun!

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