Is Prepping Biblical?

Let’s jump right to the question that is so often debated: Is prepping biblical? Often, the big named preachers and teachers will put down the concept of preparing for disasters, end of the world stuff, and all of the things that go into general prepping. After all, God does say to trust Him in all things. Frankly, it’s this very thing that makes me believe prepping is biblical!

Think about this, God told Noah to build an arc and pack it with everything needed to start the world over. God told Joseph that there will be famine and he (Joseph) should fill the barns with food for those seven years of hard times. The Bible is full of examples where God is telling people to be prepared.

Being prepared doesn’t mean you’re not trusting God. I would suggest just the opposite; because I trust God and take Him at His word, I am preparing. I fully trust that God can bring water from rocks and drop bread from heaven. But if He says to prepare for what is about to happen, I trust that also.

Consider Matthew 24 and Luke 21… there is a list of bad things coming. In fact, some of them are happening right now. Since He took the time to share these issues with us, doesn’t it make sense that we prepare as best as possible. Okay, we can’t prepare for every situation, but we can prepare. I would also like to point out that prepping is not fear. Again, God says not to fear for He is with us. He has a plan and that plan will be accomplished.

So how do we prepare? Start with prayer. Pray about everything – big or small. Trust that God is with you and wants only good for your life. You don’t have to get freaked out over all of the possible scenarios you may encounter. To start, think about what may occur in your area. For instance, Florida may have a hurricane that knocks out your power and the power of the stores and gas stations in your area. California may have an earthquake that collapses roads and buildings and knocks out the power. Ha, in California they may just include you in rolling blackouts. How about fires, blizzards, floods, and any other kind of disaster.

Those would be ideal places to start prepping. I’m not saying to go out and spend your entire income stocking up on everything at once – just a little at a time. Maybe you go shopping for a weeks worth of food; throw in a couple extra bags of beans or rice and store those away. If you’re not the real outdoorsy type that rubs two sticks together to start your fire, you could buy a pack of lighters. As we progress through this category, I will include more and more ideas and suggestions.

How about security. Taking care of yourself and your family is a huge responsibility. I am not saying to pack up and move to the forest where you live off the land. In fact, this goes back to trusting that God has put you where He wants you. However, statistics show that one in every 36 homes will have a break-in every year. We will be covering security and ways you can defend your home without having to use deadly force.

Preparedness includes a lot of stuff and we will be getting into all of it. Some you may agree with, and some you may not. That is all up to you but again, I would encourage you to pray about it and listen for Gods answers. If you are worried about the stigma that comes with being prepared, don’t! It’s actually better that you don’t share this information. In my case, my kids and a few close friends know about what I do. Some think it’s smart, some think I’m crazy. But they also know that should a disaster strike, they are welcome here and will be safe.

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