Evangelism Can Be Hard
Evangelism Can Be Hard: A man was walking down the beach one day and saw a little boy throwing sand dollars back into the ocean. He stopped and asked the boy, why are you throwing these sand dollars back, there’s…
Evangelism Can Be Hard: A man was walking down the beach one day and saw a little boy throwing sand dollars back into the ocean. He stopped and asked the boy, why are you throwing these sand dollars back, there’s…
Is Prepping Biblical? Let’s jump right to the question that is so often debated: Is prepping biblical? Often, the big named preachers and teachers will put down the concept of preparing for disasters, end of the world stuff, and all…
My first thought,usually, is that God is always right. Just that. It never means I am always right. It never means I’ve got it all together. It never means I know what God is thinking or doing at any given…
We have all heard of Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes. Sign up for free for a chance to win millions of dollars. You don’t have to buy anything, just sign up. You see commercials on TV of winner’s receiving a giant…
My wife teases me about being brainwashed from 20-years in the Army. I have to admit, there are certain things I just can’t get out of my life. I find that many Christians are the same way. I don’t want…
When I was 4 years old I liked to explore just like all 4year old’s. This practice got me into some trouble when going shopping with my mother. We would walk downtown on the cement sidewalks. Block after block treading…
It is a common theme these days for people to say things like, “Everyone can believe in their God. That will get them to heaven,” or, “I am a good person and good people will go to Heaven (who sets…
One day there were horrible storms that dumped massive amounts of rain and a flood warning was issued. The police went door to door evacuating the area. When they got to a pastor’s house, they told him to come on,…
What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and then lose their own soul? Or what can we give in exchange for our soul? I’m thinking how can I put this in perspective? What are we…
How dare we say that Jesus is the only way to Heaven! How dare we not. If we sugar coat the message of Christ in order to make people happy, what we are saying is, we don’t care about your…